
Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Kissing Hand & a Special Giveaway for Blog Followers

I know that I have been MIA for a whole week, but no worries...I'm here and with a freebie for all of you!!  I have been working on a mini unit that I am creating for The Kissing Hand.  

Once it is finished, I will be sending the link to my wonderful blog followers who have left a comment and email to this post.  'When will I be sending an email with the link' ask??  I would say within a week!:)  

One of my favorite things to do on the first day of school is introducing Chester the raccoon....I have been doing this every year!  I just can't get enough of Chester...he is such an adorable character!  After reading the heart melts, maybe I'm just a complete softy.  I explain to my students that he is super duper nervous to be with us today in school!  Just like is his first time coming to school and he wants to share a special book titled 'The Kissing Hand.' 

As I continue to read the story, I try very hard to make sure that the note doesn't fall out before I get to the last page...once I start reading the last page I let go of the note that is hidden and it fall out of the book. I try really hard not to give it away that it was 'me' of course who put it I pretend as if I didn't see it and continue reading.  

There will always be a kid or two...or even the whole class that will point out that something fell out of the book.  I act very surprised and read the note aloud...and off we go on our kissing hand scavenger hunt.  This is a great way to give a tour of the school while you are in search for all of Chester's notes! 

Towards the end of the our scavenger hunt we look for paw prints that will lead us back to our classroom with a special treat from our good friend 'Chester!'  What could these special treats be...but of course 'Kissing Hand Cookies!!!'  I like to sprinkle mine with powdered sugar...but I may just change it up this year and add some frosting instead.;)

Of course there are soooooo many wonderful activities and games that you can do with this story!  Once I am able to access my classroom in August and get to go through all my boxes....I will take pictures of the notes that Chester leaves around the school.  I made mine very simple and they have lasted me many many years!  I glued the notes onto heart cut outs and laminated them.  

Click here to download the notes for the kissing hand scavenger hunt.

I'd love to hear what type of activities you do in your classroom for the book 'The Kissing Hand!'  Also let me know if there is anything specific that you would like me to add to the mini unit that I am working on.  Can't wait to read all of your wonderful comments!:)


  1. Love the scavenger hunt notes! I didn't know you did this! I knew about the cookies...but didn't know about the scavenger hunt. Soooo CUTE!!!!

  2. Thanks Holly! I should update the scavenger hunt notes to make it look better (you know me, I like to make things look cute). I'll send you the new ones if I have time to redo it.:)

  3. The cookies are so cute. I have been teaching for 25 years and the kissing hand has been my new favorite. I can't wait to see your mini unit.I am still old school and am learning the computer. Thank you for all you share. God Bless. Mrs. Valerie

  4. Thanks Valerie! It should be finished by tomorrow!:)

  5. I love using The Kissing Hand with my new kinders. They can relate to Chester so much. I would love to see your new mini unit and get some new ideas. Your scavenger hunt is great! Thanks for sharing your creativity!


  6. Your unit looks so engaging! Great work!

  7. We did the handprint thing on a puzzle board. We printed the hand with paint.( I recommend using a large stamp pad instead, no drying time. It was a bit of a stretch when we had to wait for the paint to dry. Large stamp pads are available thru Lakeshore). Put the heart on with thumb prints or use a small red heart sticker. Break apart, put in a baggie with a copy of the poem and send it home on the first day. This is an excellent activity to share with the family on the first day.

  8. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas!! I have sent you the unit thru email, enjoy!:)

  9. Love it!! I used to cook weekly years ago but now my school doesn't allow it due to allergies:((((. I would love the unit! Love your blog too! Jules in NY:).

    1. Thanks for sharing Jules! But the giveaway has ended.:)

  10. Please email to Thank you again!!!!
